I was wondering when the Bush Administration would get around to this
The government needs to establish guidelines for canceling or rescheduling elections if terrorists strike the United States again, says the chairman of a new federal voting commission. Such guidelines do not currently exist, said DeForest B. Soaries, head of the voting panel. Soaries was appointed to the federal Election Assistance Commission last year by President Bush. Soaries said he wrote to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge in April to raise the concerns.
I was wondering what the Bush Admin was planning on doing if it looked like he wouldn't be re-elected. Most pundits say that if there is another terrorist attack it will help Bush, but just in case it doesn't they have a fall back plan to postpone the elections until it is safe to vote again. Very convenient. Anyone complaining will be branded as un-American and unpatriotic to suggest we do something as frivolous as vote when our Democracy is at stake! Heavy sarcasm here!