Only Whites who swear allegiance to Bush allowed to attend or photograph the Vice President of the US
Americans who want to hear their Vice President speak must sign Loyalty Oaths that they will support the election of President Bush in November. Americans who want to see their Vice President who will not swear allegiance to Bush/Cheney will not be allowed in. Vietnam veteran Michael Ortiz y Pino said he refused to sign the pledge and was refused tickets. When the Kerry camp was asked about this a spokesman said, "I think that every American should have the right to see their vice president and hear from him firsthand what he plans to do for our country." The Bush camp disagrees. They claim that it is "Secret Security stuff" that requires this. No other candidate in US history has required loyalty oaths of people attending their speeches. Third world countries run by tin pot dictators may have, but not in the USA.
On a related story...
President Bush's re-election campaign insisted on knowing the race of an Arizona Daily Star journalist assigned to photograph Vice President Dick Cheney. When the editor refused to tell them, he was told that the journalist probably wouldn't be allowed to to photograph Cheney. They said that this is to insure the Vice President's safety. I guess Cheney must feel unsafe in the presence of some races of people. I wonder which.
On a related story...
President Bush's re-election campaign insisted on knowing the race of an Arizona Daily Star journalist assigned to photograph Vice President Dick Cheney. When the editor refused to tell them, he was told that the journalist probably wouldn't be allowed to to photograph Cheney. They said that this is to insure the Vice President's safety. I guess Cheney must feel unsafe in the presence of some races of people. I wonder which.
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