Rush Limbaugh Favors Kidnapping of Christian Missionaries Who Are Following Christ’s Words “Blessed Are the Peacemakers”
On November 29, nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh read an Associated Press report about the apparent kidnapping of four Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) members by an Iraqi insurgent group. Limbaugh announced that "part of me likes this." He explained: "Well, here's why I like it. I like any time a bunch of leftist feel-good hand-wringers are shown reality."
Back a few years ago Rush Limbaugh was outraged that Liberals were calling Saddam Hussein a war criminal because he gassed the Kurds in Iraq. Rush called liberals critical of Saddam guilty of HATE SPEECH for slandering such a noble person as Saddam Hussein:
"And now the liberals want to stop President Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein, and why? Because Saddam 'allegedly' gassed a few Kurds in his own country. Mark my words. All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a 'war criminal' or 'committing crimes against humanity' is the same old thing. LIBERAL HATE SPEECH! And speaking of poison gas . . . I SAY WE ROUND UP ALL THE DRUG ADDICTS AND GAS THEM."
- Rush (oxycontin addict) Limbaugh, Nov. 3, 1988
Now he pretends he was always against Saddam and it was the liberals who supported him. Revisionist historians strike again.
Sadly my brother-in-law (who is a born-again-Christian) is one of Limbaugh’s biggest supporters. I don’t know how they can read the words of the forgiving loving Jesus and square them with the hate speech of right-wing talk radio. Maybe they no longer read the word of God. He and millions like him don’t see that Limbaugh and his like preach the exact opposite of Jesus Christ’s loving and peaceful teachings. They think that Limbaugh is the source of truth when he’s obviously lying to them about his and the Republican’s previous support of Saddam and Saddam’s use of Chemical WMD. I have another brother-in-law (a graduate of Harvard no less) who is Bill O’Reilly’s biggest fan. He’s completely blind to the fact that O’Reilly deliberately manipulates the audio and video clips on his shows to convince his viewers and listeners of things that just aren’t true. This is just one example of which there are too many to recount. O’Reilly attacks those who expose his lies, and his faithful minions believe him rather than their own lying eyes. I now understand how so many people in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s could have been so deluded.
Back a few years ago Rush Limbaugh was outraged that Liberals were calling Saddam Hussein a war criminal because he gassed the Kurds in Iraq. Rush called liberals critical of Saddam guilty of HATE SPEECH for slandering such a noble person as Saddam Hussein:
"And now the liberals want to stop President Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein, and why? Because Saddam 'allegedly' gassed a few Kurds in his own country. Mark my words. All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a 'war criminal' or 'committing crimes against humanity' is the same old thing. LIBERAL HATE SPEECH! And speaking of poison gas . . . I SAY WE ROUND UP ALL THE DRUG ADDICTS AND GAS THEM."
- Rush (oxycontin addict) Limbaugh, Nov. 3, 1988
Now he pretends he was always against Saddam and it was the liberals who supported him. Revisionist historians strike again.
Sadly my brother-in-law (who is a born-again-Christian) is one of Limbaugh’s biggest supporters. I don’t know how they can read the words of the forgiving loving Jesus and square them with the hate speech of right-wing talk radio. Maybe they no longer read the word of God. He and millions like him don’t see that Limbaugh and his like preach the exact opposite of Jesus Christ’s loving and peaceful teachings. They think that Limbaugh is the source of truth when he’s obviously lying to them about his and the Republican’s previous support of Saddam and Saddam’s use of Chemical WMD. I have another brother-in-law (a graduate of Harvard no less) who is Bill O’Reilly’s biggest fan. He’s completely blind to the fact that O’Reilly deliberately manipulates the audio and video clips on his shows to convince his viewers and listeners of things that just aren’t true. This is just one example of which there are too many to recount. O’Reilly attacks those who expose his lies, and his faithful minions believe him rather than their own lying eyes. I now understand how so many people in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s could have been so deluded.
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