Bush and Company Hands Out Viagra to Rapists – Oops I Mean Billions in Corporate Welfare to Enron Executives!!!! Same Thing!!!!
Last week Republicans were screaming about handing out Viagra to known sex offenders a practice the Bush Administration did NOT halt for over 4 years in office. Then they blamed it on Clinton as if he’s been president for the last 4 ½ years!!! Read this article or better this article to learn how “Buried in the 700-plus page energy bill currently under debate in the U.S. Senate is a provision that provides hundreds of millions of dollars worth of federal loan guarantees for a power project apparently to be built by four former Enron executives.” Yes, that Enron: the one that CEO Ken Lay, a close personal friend of George W. Bush who contributed tons of money to Bush’s campaigns, has still not gone to prison for. The Enron that ripped off California and other states as well as their own employees. They are getting a handout of our money from the Republicans in Congress and Bush has already signaled that he is dying to sign that Corporate Welfare Check into Law!!!! How is giving known Corporate Pirates our Hard-Earned Tax Dollars any different then giving rapists Viagra? The answer: the amount of the giveaway. In the case of the Enron Execs they get hundreds of millions of our Tax Dollars to screw over more unsuspecting Americans!!! Bend over, America, Enron II is coming to a wallet near you!!!
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